viernes, 22 de mayo de 2020

Friday 22nd May. Natural Science and English

Good morning!

Are you ready for the final questionnaire of unit 3 water? 

If you are not, review all the activities and videos.

If you are... CLICK HERE!

Good luck!!

Then, I've also prepared for you a video explaining page 109 in your pupil's book. I would like you to copy the sentences in the PowerPoint in your English notebook. (Poned la fecha, el título: 5 SENSES, y copiad las diapositivas. Pausad el video para verlas bien y que os dé tiempo a copiar todo).

Here you have the video, enjoy!


7 comentarios:

  1. 1=it looks like a hair comb
    2=it looks like a key
    3=it looks like a cup

  2. 1. it looks like a comb.
    2. it looks like a key.
    3. it looks like a cup.

  3. Hi Tamara
    How are you?
    I think:
    1. It looks like plastic
    2. It looks like metal
    3. It looks like a spoon

  4. 1= it looks a comb
    2= it looks kay
    3= it looks a cop

  5. Hi, Tamara.
    1=it looks like a comb
    2=it looks like a kay
    3=it looks like a cup

  6. Hello I am Nico

    1=it looks like a comb
    2=it looks like a key
    3=it looks like a cup


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